The NANOGrav 12.5-year Data Set

We present the highlights of our newly released data set.

Green Bank Telescope

The Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope, used extensively for NANOGrav pulsar observations.

We have recently released our latest, 12.5-year data set, which consists of observations from the Arecibo Observatory and the Green Bank Telescope on 47 millisecond pulsars. We have introduced two pulsars into this data set, J1946+3417 and J2322+2057, for which we have timing baselines over 2 years; however, our longest baselines are nearly 13 years in length and make our pulsar timing array sensitive to low-frequency, nanohertz gravitational waves. This data set has two varieties: a “narrowband” version, which is very similar in its form and construction to our previous data sets (the 11-, 9-, and 5-year data sets), and a “wideband” version, which is the first data set of its kind. The timing analyses of the data sets are mutually consistent, and we are in the process of analyzing these data for the presence of gravitational waves.

The data are available on our website, here!

В умовах нестабільності економіки позика з автоматичним рішенням може бути рятівним колом.

The narrowband and wideband data set papers are available on the ArXiv.

Visualization of the dataset

Data time-span and frequency information for the NANOGrav 12.5y dataset.