
Come join us at the 241st AAS Meeting in Seattle, WA! We will share a booth in the main exhibit hall with LIGO and LISA members, and have talks and posters throughout the meeting. All times listed in Pacific Standard Time.
Sunday, January 8th
Grad School and REU Fair
5:30-7:00 PM, Ballroom 6B
Monday, January 9th
Computation, Data Handling, Image Analysis (iPosters)
9:00-10:00 AM, Exhibit Hall 4AB
Michael Lam (105.29) Autoregressive Models for Pulsar Dispersion Measure Timeseries -
Special Session: New Windows onto the Universe: Asteroids, Exotic Stars, Gaseous Filaments and More
2:00-3:30 PM, Room 605/610
Thankful Cromartie (139.05) The Next Generation of Exotic Compact Object Astrophysics with the GBT's Ultra-Wideband Receiver (2:48-3:00) -
Undergraduate Research Experiences, Programs, and Resources (iPosters)
5:30-6:30 PM, Exhibit Hall 4AB
Froney Crawford (171.01) The NANOGrav Student Teams of Astrophysics ResearcherS (STARS) Program
Tuesday, January 10th
Pulsars from Radio to Gamma-Rays (iPosters)
9:00-10:00 AM, Exhibit Hall 4AB
Sparrow Roch (209.05) Observatory Position Error as a Source of Noise in Pulsar Timing Searches for Gravitational Waves
Olivia Young (209.06) CLEAN Deconvolution of Radio Pulsar Pulses
Taylor Starkman (209.07) Modeling TIme of Arrival Delay for Pulsar Pulses with Hermite Polynomials
Ingrid Stairs (209.08) Integrating CHIME/Pulsar Data into the NANOGrav Data Set
Lydia Guertin (209.09) Multiwavelength Scintillation in PSR J1744-1134 Emission - *Special Session: Leveraging Ground- and Space-based Facilities to Tackle Astronomy's Hardest Questions
10:00-11:30 AM, Room 608
Chiara Mingarelli (222.04) Pulsar Timing Arrays: The Next Window to Open on the Gravitational-Wave Universe -
Neutron Stars, Magnetars, and Fast Radio Bursts
10:00-11:30 AM, Room 3A
Froney Crawford (234.05) Four FRBs from the Parkes 70-cm Pulsar Survey Archive (10:40-10:50) -
The DSA-2000: A Radio Camera Survey (Exhibitor Theater)
1:30-2:00 PM, Exhibit Hall 4AB -
Special Session: The 110-antenna Deep Synoptic Array: a fast radio burst localization machine
2:00-3:30, Ballroom 6A
Vikram Ravi (239.01) The DSA-110: overview and first results (2:00-2:15)
Gregg Hallinan (239.07) The DSA-2000: the future of radio survey science (3:00-3:09) -
HEAD Bruno Rossi Prize Lecturer
4:40-5:30 PM, Ballroom 6E
Zaven Arzoumanian (262), The Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer: Astrophysics on the International Space Station -
Gravitational Wave and Multi-messenger Astronomy (iPosters)
5:30-6:30 PM, Exhibit Hall 4AB
David Wright (268.01) Measuring H_0 with Standard Sirens: Uncertainties and Methods
Gabe Freedman (268.02) Efficiently Performing Pulsar Timing Array Gravitational Wave Searches using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
Adam Brazier (268.05) SCiMMA HopSkotch: Coordinating Multi-messenger Astrophysical Observatories during LVK Run O4
Shashwat Sardesai (268.10) Optimal statistic for multiple cross correlated signals
Kyle Gersbach (268.15) Expanding frequentist techniques for spectral characterization in current and future gravitational wave analyses
Wednesday, January 11th
Neutron Stars in Pulsar Wind Nebulae & Binary Systems, Magnetars & Fast Radio Bursts (iPosters)
9:00-100 AM, Exhibit Hall 4AB
Wenky Xia (304.03) A Systematic Analysis of the X-Ray Emission from the Supernova Remnant MSH 11-62 and Its Pulsar Wind Nebula
Mia Gironda (304.08) The Long-Term X-ray Outburst Evolution of the Magnetar Swift J1818.0-1607
Ben Perera (304.10) Daily monitoring of pulsars with the Arecibo 12-m telescope: the current and future -
AGN and Quasars IV
10:00-11:30 AM, Room 602/603
Sravani Vaddi (418.08) Investigating orbital period evolution of candidate supermassive black hole binary 3C66B (11:10-11:20) -
Gravitational Waves and MMA I
10:00-11:30 AM, Room 2B
Matthew Digman (326.02) Supermassive Black Holes in LISA Multi-messenger Searches (10:10-10:20) -
AGN & Quasars II
10:00-11:30 AM, Room 602/603
Gregory Walsh (311.01) The Origin of Radio Emission in a Sample of Late-Stage Galaxy Mergers (10:00-10:10) -
Gravitational Waves and MMA II
2:00-3:30 PM, Room 605/610
Daniel D'Orazio (338.04) Multimessenger Constraints on Magnetic Fields in Merging Black Hole–Neutron Star Binaries (2:40-2:50)
Tingting Liu (338.07) Probing supermassive black hole binaries with multi-messenger observations (3:20-3:30) -
Chemical Probes of Astrophysical Systems (ngVLA iPosters)
5:30-6:30 PM, Exhibit Hall 4AB
Megan DeCesar (357.11) Pulsars and Fundamental Physics with the Next-Generation Very Large Array (ngVLA) -
AGN and Quasars II (iPosters)
5:30-6:30 PM, Exhibit Hall 4AB
Caryelis Bayona Figueroa (360.39) Investigating the flux asymmetry of double-lobed radio sources
Thursday, January 12th
Computation, Data Handling, Image Analysis
10:00-11:30 AM, Room 612
Abigail Moran (425.09) Further Improving Distances to Binary Millisecond Pulsars with Gaia EDR3 (11:20-11:30) -
Gravitational Waves and MMA III
10:00-11:30 AM, Room 3B
Nicole Khusid (435.01) Strongly Lensed Supermassive Black Hole Binaries as Nanohertz Gravitational-Wave Sources (10:00-10:10)
Caitlin Witt (435.03D) Bayesian Methods for Multi-Messenger Analysis of Supermassive Black Hole Binaries: Pulsars and Quasars and Gravitational Waves, Oh My! (10:20-10:40)
Steve Taylor (435.07) Targeted Multi-messenger Searches for Supermassive Black Hole Binaries (11:10-11:20)
Sophia Sosa (435.08) Dispersion Measure Mis-Estimation with Varying Bandwidths (11:20-11:30) -
Radio Pulsars
2:00-3:30 PM, Ballroom 6A
Deborah Good (438.02) Creating a New International Pulsar Timing Array Dataset (2:00-2:10)
Jacob Turner (438.04D) Characterizing and Mitigating Scattering Delays in Radio Observations of Pulsars (2:20-2:40)
Natalia Lewandowska (438.05) Single pulse studies of the Crab pulsar (2:40-2:50)
Tim Dolch (438.06) A Multiwavelength Characterization of the Guitar Nebula and Its Radio Pulsar (2:50-3:00, Remote) -
Galaxy Morphology and Mergers
2:00-3:30 PM, Room 616/617
Joe Simon (453.05) Calculating the Galaxy Merger Rate Using Close Pairs in SDSS (3:00-3:10) -
Gravitational Waves and MMA IV
2:00-3:30 PM, Room 2B
Andrew Casey-Clyde (457.02) How Many Quasars Host Supermassive Black Hole Binary Systems? (2:10-2:20)