An international collaboration dedicated to exploring the low-frequency gravitational wave universe through radio pulsar timing.

Radio telescope
The 100-meter Green Bank Telescope, the world's largest fully steerable telescope and a core instrument for our pulsar timing array experiment.

Recent News


Our111 goal is to detect low-frequency gravitational waves and use our measurements to characterize the low-frequency gravitational wave universe. Our pulsar timing observations also allow a wealth of other astrophysical experiments and applications.

Pulsars Observed


Times of Arrival Observed


Papers Published



Clockwise from top-left: one of the VLA telescopes; the CHIME telescope; collaboration members at a Busy Week; the Green Bank Telescope at sunset; and a collaboration meeting at Arecibo Observatory. Images: VLA adapted from Jeremy Zilar, CHIME from Andre Renard/CHIME Collaboration, Green Bank Telescope from Jee Seymour